All Six FCCPR Endorsed Candidates Win in Greenfield !

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We are pleased to announce that all six candidates that FCCPR endorsed and worked for in Greenfield won their elections.

The 3 School Committee candidates ran as a slate with the slogan, of “For Transparency, Respect, and Equity in Greenfield Schools.”

The winners are Glenn Johnson-Mussad, Elizabeth Deneeve and Kathryn Martini. The education task force of FCCPR looks forward to working with them.

Jim Geisman won a seat on the Board of Assessors. This is important as the Board had become fairly non-functional and there are many questions as to how tax assessments are done.

Two long time FCCPR members were running for re-election and winning their seats on the City Council. Sheila Gilmour won for Precinct 6 and Doug Mayo was re-elected for Precinct 8.