A progressive organization based in Franklin County, Massachusetts
FCCPR on WHMP with Bill & Buzz!
On Wednesday morning, Dec. 4, Susan Triolo and David Greenberg joined Bill Newman and Buzz Eisenberg from 9:00 to…
Post Election GA Meeting Notes
On Sunday, Nov. 17, 75 people attended the FCCPR General Assembly to discuss and make plans for the future…
DiZoglio Speaks at FCCPR GA
Greenfield Recorder Auditor DiZoglio drums up support for Question 1 in visit to Greenfield As part of a statewide…
FCCPR Art Auction
Starting Sunday September 15th at 9:00 am Bid on 30 beautiful pieces of art created and generously donated by…
FCCPR Election 2024 Yard Signs
If you would like to order a yard sign, please go to: Click Here to Order Your Lawn Sign
Project 2025 Turns Back The Clock!
The rightwing program spelled out in Project 2025 (www.project2025.org/policy), is written by the Heritage Foundation, always a tool of big…
Bigger Than Dobbs: War on Women and War on Democracy:Dave Cohen
Everybody read project 2025. You will be amazed at its depth. It reflects the evolution of right wing politics,…
Task Forces Are the Core of FCCPR Work!
Task forces are the main vehicle that FCCPR uses to get our work done. Each task force is focused on a specific area where we feel our activism is most needed. Please check out the individual task force pages to learn more and get involved.
Immigration Rights Task Force
We are committed social activists dedicated to responding to the Trump Administration’s threats to deport millions of immigrants who have come to our country to avoid violence in their home countries, and who want to work and engage in all aspects of ours.
Single Payer Healthcare Task Force
The Single Payer Task Force will be figuring out how to advance the fight for universal health care in Massachusetts by supporting and advocating for the Improved Medicare for All bills in the General Court.
Peace Task Force
The peace task force works on educating people on the local level about issues of war and peace, including the impact on local budgets and the need for a coherent foreign policy, and coordinates with other groups on the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Climate Crisis Task Force
The Climate Crisis Task Force has endorsed Climate Action Now’s 12-point vision for Massachusetts, and adopted the following action plan.
Education Task Force
We are educators, former educators, public officials, and concerned activists dedicated to taking action to improve the educational experience of our children and our educators.
Reproductive Justice Task Force
Our mission is inspired by the concept and history of Reproductive Justice and activism as created by Black feminists in 1994.