March 18, 2025 Rep. Jim McGovern in Greenfield!

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FCCPR is pleased to sponsor a Town Hall meeting with our congressional representative, Jim McGovern, open to the general public, on Tuesday, March 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Greenfield Middle School, 195 Federal Street. Doors will open at 6:00.  The Town Hall has been organized by Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution (FCCPR).  The Congressman will make some opening remarks, addressing the crisis in our democracy and its impact on his constituents, including veterans, farmers, and people relying on the social safety net.  There will be lots of time for questions from the audience. 

Susan Triolo, a member of FCCPR’s Coordinating Committee said, “At a time when many Republicans in Congress are refusing to meet with their constituents, we are pleased that our Congressman so quickly accepted our invitation to speak with us here in Franklin County. We look forward to hearing his perspectives on the current crisis and what sorts of creative and powerful actions he and we can take to preserve Social Security, Medicare and all the governmental programs we depend on.”

Congressman McGovern represents Massachusetts Congressional District 2 which includes 68 towns of which 22 are in Franklin County.  He has been in Congress since 1997 and is the ranking member of the House Rules Committee and the Senior Member of the House Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations.