Rally for Women’s Rights and Against War

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Join us Saturday May 7th at 11:00am
Against War and for Women’s Rights
Greenfield Town Common

Tuesday’s revelation that the Supreme Court is ready to decide to overturn Roe v Wade and allow the states to restrict and prohibit the right to an abortion is a horrendous outcome of years of chipping away at reproductive rights and democracy in general. This is an attack on women’s rights.

This is crazy – it’s hard to believe what is happening to our country. The anti-rights group have taken over the Supreme Court and the Citizens’ United decision has replaced our democracy with the power of money.

There are two ways the Democrats when in power could have stopped this from happening.

First, they could have passed a law making a woman’s right to choose a law, that could have happened under Obama, and second when they didn’t do that Biden could have added more judges to the supreme court.

We need to get serious about defending our rights, and that means we need stronger defense of democratic rights in general in this country and in particular the rights of women.