Progressive Blueprint for Greenfield

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A grassroots platform for Greenfield city elections

The election season is heating up in Greenfield already. We are hoping for a progressive sweep for City Council, School Committee and the Mayoral race.

FCCPR is working on building a coalition around a “Progressive Blueprint for Greenfield”. Many of you have already given input into the Blueprint.

You can access the abridged version here. This will be available in a printed version very soon and we will begin distribution of it.

We need you help to win this November.

Distributing this platform and beginning positive, issue oriented conversation about the upcoming election is the first step. FCCPR has in past elections created a more progressive city council and school committee. This was mainly done by feet on the ground, door-to-door work by you and other members. As we go through our endorsement process, we will soon call upon you to again join us in that endeavor.