On Sunday, Nov. 17, 75 people attended the FCCPR General Assembly to discuss and make plans for the future under a Trump administration. 2 hours of lively discussion focused on what we can do in Franklin County to continue the fight for a better world for all. Please see below for details of the meeting and how you can be involved.
The tone was set with some opening remarks by Dave Cohen that reviewed what FCCPR has done in the recent past and some thoughts on the political situation we find ourselves in. here is a brief summary of his remarks:
FCCPR has been in existence since 2015, when we gathered to work on Bernie’s campaign for President. We have continued as a multi-issue, local, grassroots organization.
What we have done recently.
- Put up a billboard in Greenfield exposing Project 2025 and the danger of fascism
- Distributed Project 2025 lawn signs
- Held an Art fundraiser, thanks to Pixie Holbrook, that raised $2,000 to fund lawn signs and the billboard
- Contributed to a billboard in Michigan promoting keeping abortion rights legal
- Collected signatures to get the anti-MCAS ballot question on the ballot and campaigned around it. It passed by 68% in Franklin County.
- The Reproductive Rights task force held meetings and rallies “Beyond Dobbs” to expose the attacks on women’s rights.
- Helped elect progressives to the Greenfield School Committee
- Sponsored a meeting with State Auditor Diana DiZoglio to talk about the ballot question giving the Auditor’s office the right to audit the legislature, which won by 72%.
- Formed The Franklin County Community Land Trust which is now engaged in projects in Greenfield, Montague and maybe Shelburne to create permanent affordable housing.
We passed out the op ed by Bernie Sanders in the Boston Globe. It contains a basic truth: The Democrats lost this election because they refused to address the problems the working people of this country are facing: inflation, high cost of food, housing, gas, and oil, affordable health care, and in many many areas the lack of good paying jobs.
Here’s some anecdotal evidence.
Mass-Care, the statewide coalition for single payer health care-Medicare for All once again ran ballot questions in 11 State Rep districts calling upon the Reps in those areas to support the Medicare for All legislation in the legislature. We in Franklin county have voted for this many times.
This time people in Western Mass. ran the ballot questions in 2 State Rep districts that vote Republican, basically in Westfield and Agawam, and in both districts the question won – close but we won. Think about it – people voting to eliminate insurance companies, a large sector of the capitalist economy and voting to set up a state-run health care system.
Why did they vote for this, yet at the same time vote for Trump? Because Medicare for All speaks directly to their needs for good affordable health care, and because people are still anti-corporate in their beliefs. If the Democrats had listened to Bernie they might have won. People want real solutions to their problems, not promises of endless genocidal wars.
We are entering a new and complex era of politics. We need to fight for what we need and we will need to fight, especially on the national level to keep what we have that is good (but of course could be better): Medicare, Social Security, basic democratic rights, etc.
While not shying away from what we want and believe, we will have to work with others who we probably don’t agree with on much but who are opposed to fascism. We have to remember that fascism works to make the richest even richer – that is their main point – and they use racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti-immigrant beliefs to divide and confuse their opposition.
On the State level we need to work to get protections passed and to get progressive legislation passed. This means we need to work with and influence our elected Reps. even when we disagree with the anti-democratic way the legislature works.
We will be dancing on a tightrope to say the least.
We must remember that as time progresses there will be many calls for action on National issues as the Trump forces proceed with their plans; this will be an ever changing landscape.
There were many ideas that came out of the meeting. Here are some of the main points.
1 We need to engage in supporting/protecting the most vulnerable members of our communities. We can be meeting with Mayors, select Boards and perhaps police chiefs to once again discuss the need for and meaning of Sanctuary cities and towns.
2. We must continue to build alliances with other groups in Franklin county, Massachusetts and the rest of the country.
3. We must build a supportive, fun community of activists that reaches out to all people in Franklin County.
4. We must continue and expand the work our task forces have been doing and create new task forces to address the new problems we will face. Please see below for specific information for our current task forces.
We will be planning another General Assembly in January or February 2025. Stay tuned.
If you wish to read more extensive notes from the General Assembly click here.