Housing is A Human Right: We Can Make It Happen

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Resident Owned Communities: One Housing Answer

Thursday, April 15   7 pm

Resident Owned Communities (ROC) are one answer to the affordable housing crisis. There are approximately 1000 ROCs across the country, and more than 200 in Massachusetts. We will discuss what they are including how homeowners get organized to buy and what it means to be a member in a ROC. We will consider consumer protections: what to look for when buying in to a ROC, and what to do if there are problems. Third, we will talk about how to buy a home in a ROC and fourth, opportunities for new ROCs including how to start one.


Community Housing Trusts:  The Burlington, Vermont, Experience

Wednesday, April 21   7 pm

Community Land Trusts are a useful tool to community-controlled development. Can Community Land Trusts be an answer to the development of affordable rental and single family housing? The Champlain Housing Trust is a successful example of this kind of development in Northern Vermont communities, including the City of Burlington. Rather than rely on outside developers, the community land trust keeps the investment in, and value of, housing within local communities. 

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There is no fee for the keynote or any of the workshops.