Dangers and Opportunities Presented by this Critical Moment in History

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Register for an FCCPR On-Line Discussion

Wednesday, April 29 from 7:00 to 8:15 PM

FCCPR is pleased to invite you to an online discussion about the Dangers and Opportunities presented by this critical moment in history. How can we identify and defeat the ruling class’ attempts to use the crisis to increase their profits and power? How can we build on and expand the support networks and social democratic programs currently in place while building working class power?

Attendance is limited, so you must register in advance by clicking here.

Kicking off our discussion will be Gianpaolo Baiocchi, professor and director of the Urban Democracy Lab at N.Y.U. Gianpaolo was the keynote speaker at FCCPR’s conference on Municipal Socialism last year, and is the co-author of the “Case for a Rent Moratoriumpublished earlier this month in the New York Times.

The discussion will take place on Zoom on Wednesday, April 29 from 7:00 to 8:15 PM. If you are not familiar with Zoom, click here for easy directions on how to download and use it. We also invite you to a quick tutorial by clicking on the link April 29 at 6:45, just before the start of the discussion.

The Coordinating Committee recommends you view one video and read one short piece in preparation for this discussion (or even if you can’t be part of the discussion):

  1. Naomi Klein talks about Coronavirus Capitalism and Our Climate Crisis

Start at around 2 minutes in and go through about minute 26

  1. Youth activists on “Why Would We Want a Return to Normalcy?”

Some other things to think about:

Are there new initiatives that this crisis has brought to mind that are key to our development of the country and world we want to have? What is it we value most, and how can we work towards making those values a reality for all of us?