Climate Crisis Task Force Highlights as of March 26, 2017

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The Climate Change Task Force of Franklin County CPR has made it our #1 priority to join with Mass Power Forward in its statewide 100% Renewable Energy for All campaign.

Collectively, we spend over $100 million each year on energy to heat and light our homes, get around, and for businesses to do what they do.  Of those funds, on average, 80% goes out of your community and out of Massachusetts to pay for natural gas, oil, and gasoline!  Switching to renewable energy, such as solar and wind, reducing the amount of energy we use, and electrifying more of our transportation will not only save us a lot of money, it will also protect our Planet!

Mass Power Forward has created excellent materials, including a comprehensive checklist, to help us get started in making a difference in each of our towns.

We are planning a series of forums to kickstart this project, one in each of five areas of Franklin County in late April/early May.  Each forum will include a compelling presentation about this effort, its many benefits, and how it can be accomplished, and will give people useful tools that you can use in your town.  We will invite town Energy Committees, Select Board members and the general public.  We will have times and locations very soon for forums in:

Greenfield, Shutesbury/Leverett, Orange, Deerfield/Whately, and West County.

For more information about the campaign, see