Bigger Than Dobbs: War on Women and War on Democracy:Dave Cohen

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Everybody read project 2025. You will be amazed at its depth.

It reflects the evolution of right wing politics, the merger of classic reactionary big business with reactionary social politics of small business people which In our country is of course is based on racism and anti-women ideology.

It is a detailed plan on how to give corporations unfettered rule to increase profits and deny all rights to the working class. It is a plan to roll back the clock on all advances, however incomplete, that affect minorities and women.

For example the Project 2025 in detail lists every agency and law that collects data on racial and sexual composition. It would stop all collecting of such data. Without such data you cannot show discrimination in hiring on the basis of race or sex, you cannot show discrimination in housing, you cannot show discrimination in job distribution or anything else.

From Project 2025 Labor Laws

Eliminate EEO-1 data collection. The Equal Employment Opportunity

Commission collects EEO-1 data on employment statistics based on race/ethnicity, which data can then be used to support a charge of discrimination under a disparate impact theory. This could lead to racial quotas to remedy alleged race discrimination. (The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) also has a right to the data EEOC collects.) Crudely categorizing employees by race or ethnicity fails to recognize the diversity of the American workforce and forces individuals into categories that do not fully reflect their racial and ethnic heritage.

Eliminate disparate impact liability. With interracial marriages in

America increasing, many Americans do not fit neatly into crude racial

categories.1 Under disparate impact theory, moreover, discriminatory

motive or intent is irrelevant; the outcome is what matters. But all

workplaces have disparities.

Rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination on the basis

of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and

sex characteristics.

Republicans have billionaires and capitalists to fund think tanks and make detailed plans.

We have think tanks but our problem is that we have no relieable political vehicle to implement progressive policies.

The democratic party is pro-choice but pro-corporate and pro-war.

This election in nov choice appears to be between fascist policies and corporate  pro war democrats.

The real choice is under what conditions will we struggle for a better world. Under fascist rule or one that is pro-corporate but more liberal on social issues.

We know the old curse, may you live in interesting times. Well we are in interesting times. The other day the Supreme Court modified one of its numerous right wing decisions. They voted that a law that denies men who assault women the right to own guns should stand, modifying their previous decision that there should be be no restrictions on the right to own guns.

Clarence Thomas dissented, arguing that when the constitution was written women had no rights so they shouldn’t be protected now. Of course, under this logic, he would not be allowed to sit on the Supreme Court since when the constitution was written African Americans we were not considered even human.

I spent my life working in factories and organizing workers into unions. It never ceased to amaze me how many liberals operated on the principal that workers are stupid and cannot understand complicated issues. I never found this to be the case.

We can organize people to vote for Biden, not because we agree with his policies but because we do not want Trump to win. By telling the truth while campaigning we will be building the base for real progressive-politics that are for equal rights for all, that are anti-capitalist. This is the immediate task in front of us.