
  • May 17 General Assembly – The Movie!

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    In case you were unable to join us for Part 1 of our Zoom-based General Assembly, you can use the links below to see/hear/read what you missed: Screen Share with Speaker View (video) Audio Only Chat Transcript And to register for our General Assembly, Part 2, which will be this coming Thursday evening, May 21,…

  • Hear ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Rep at the General Assembly

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    Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019, 2-4 p.m. Guiding Star Grange 401 Chapman St. Greenfield Agenda 1)   Financial report and Membership renewal 2)   Election of the Coordinating Committee. The following people were nominated. Dave Cohen, Susan Worgaftik, Patti Williams, and Doug Selwyn. You can read their statements here. 3)   Speaker from  Extinction Rebellion .…


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  • Global Climate Strike: From Sweden to the UN, from Boston to Greenfield

    Global Climate Strike: From Sweden to the UN, from Boston to Greenfield

    September 20, 2019 is a global day of “strikes” to highlight the need for quick and dramatic action to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. Led by young people in organizations such as Sunrise and Extinction Rebellion, rallies and other strike activities will be taking place all over the country and around the world,…

  • The Recorder – Remembering Hiroshima, Nagasaki

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    The Recorder – Remembering Hiroshima, Nagasaki

    Members of FCCPR Peace Task Force joined with Traprock Peace Center and others  along the riverbank Tuesday afternoon at Unity Park in Turners Falls to honor the victims of the nuclear bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. STAFF PHOTO/DAN LITTLE Source: The Recorder – Remembering Hiroshima, Nagasaki

  • Local Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration on August 6

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    Local Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration on August 6

    For people and communities concerned with peace, August 6 and 9 are special days, as people around the world remember the first use of atomic bombs, by the US against Japan in 1945. They call for the phase-out and abolition of nuclear weapons, world-wide. The FCCPR Peace Task Force and the Traprock Center for Peace…

  • FCCPR’s Sheila Gilmour: ‘I’m running for mayor because Greenfield is ready for new leadership’

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    FCCPR’s Sheila Gilmour: ‘I’m running for mayor because Greenfield is ready for new leadership’

    “Greenfield has an important preliminary election coming up on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Three mayoral candidates will appear on the ballot, but only two will move on to the general election on Nov. 5. My name is Sheila Gilmour and I look forward to earning your vote.” Source: The Recorder – ‘I’m running for mayor because…

  • Time to hit the streets!

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    FCCPR is co-sponsoring locally Lights for Liberty’s national call to action to protest the kidnapping, child abuse and other atrocities at the border. Friday, July 12, 7-9 p.m. on the Greenfield Common. Bring a light or a cellphone or the (Before the 7 p.m. Lights for Liberty vigil on the Greenfield Common, consider joining…

  • The Recorder – FCCPR endorses Sheila Gilmour for mayor

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    The Recorder – FCCPR endorses Sheila Gilmour for mayor

    After considering the candidate responses and comparing them to the recently published Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution (FCCPR) political platform, the Greenfield membership voted to endorse Precinct 6 City Councilor Sheila Gilmour for mayor. “We were particularly struck by Councilor Gilmour’s plans for reviewing city staffing needs and her interest in working closely with…

  • Women: Vote! Dance Party 6/19

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    Women: Vote! Dance Party 6/19

    FCCPR’s  Women’s Rights Task Force is pleased to sponsor a dance party in celebration of women and the power we have in the electorate. Wednesday, June 19, 2019 6:30 p.m. Hawks & Reed Performing Arts Center, 289 Main Street, Greenfield Musical performances: ZoKi – “Folk rock fused trio” SheSaid “Our all-female band plays original tunes…