October 2020

  • Stand-Out for Democracy!!

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    Protect the Right to Vote!       Respect the Will of the People! As part of the national effort to “Protect the Results”, there will be a stand-out for democracy to ensure that all votes are counted. If President Trump claims victory before all the votes are counted or if there is a clear Biden win and…

  • FCCPR General Assembly Oct 4, 2020

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    4-6pm  via Zoom Preparing for the Elections and After Please Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErdOGhqTMjHdwNc3WUUknhW5VPaiigKwQ0 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We have all seen and heard the statements by Trump that the elections will be rigged against him and his intentions to stay in…