June 2020

  • FCCPR Statement on Racism

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    Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution joins the chorus of millions of individuals and groups in the U.S. and around the world who have spoken out against the institutional racism that, for more than 400 years has continued to claim the lives and livelihoods of people of color. We encourage all of our members and…

  • Standouts at County Post Offices

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    On Tuesday, June 16 FCCPR members and friends massed at a number of post offices around the County to show our concern about the future of the U.S.P.S., one of the oldest institutions in the country. A push toward privatization, which would almost certainly result in closures of rural post offices (not enough profit there!),…

  • Save Our Post Office

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    Stand up for the post office by standing with us at your local post office on June 16 at noon. Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution (FCCPR) is joining a national movement to save the US Postal Service. Why is this rally necessary?   The US Postal Service says it will run out of money by…