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  1. Membership in Franklin County CPR is open to any resident of the Franklin County area who agrees with our principles and pays annual dues.

  2. Dues will be established initially at “suggested $10/year”. Members will be encouraged to contribute more if they are able and inspired to do so; no one will be denied membership because of inability to pay. Initially, dues would be used primarily for communications and events.

  3. Members will meet in a General Assembly four times a year, with dates known at least a month ahead of time. The General Assembly will be the primary decision-making body of Franklin County CPR. The Coordinating Committee may call additional General Assembly meetings if they think they are needed.

  4. An 11-person Coordinating Committee has been elected by the General Assembly, with staggered two-year terms.

  5. The membership and/or the Coordinating Committee can establish and/or approve short-term and standing committees to carry out the work of the organization. Standing committees will select a representative to be part of the Coordinating Committee.

  6. The Coordinating Committee will set agendas for General Assembly meetings, coordinate the work of the organization, and make necessary short-term decisions for Franklin County CPR in between General Assembly meetings.

  7. The Coordinating Committee will select from among its members a Convener, Co-Convener, Recorder, and Treasurer.

  8. The Convener will convene the meetings. The Co-Convener will assist the Convener and convene meetings when the Convener is unavailable. The Recorder will record meeting minutes, and ensure that minutes and agendas are posted on the FCCPR website. The Treasurer will set up a bank account with checks requiring signatures of two people (the Treasurer and one other member of the Coordinating Committee). The Treasurer also will oversee the collection of dues, ensure the organization is in compliance with applicable laws, and prepare financial reports for the membership.