Immigration Rights Task Force
Last Modified:
History & Background
We are committed social activists dedicated to responding to the Trump Administration’s threats to deport millions of immigrants who have come to our country to avoid violence in their home countries, and who want to work and engage in all aspects of ours. Some are single men, many are parents with children in our schools. Most are critical to farm labor all around us, as well as housing laborers, restaurant workers and more. We embrace their energy and culture into ours.
We are committed to learning from and acting with organizations/schools in the Pioneer Valley.
Current Work
The current issues and questions that we are working on include:
1. Who are the immigration advocacy organizations in our area?
2. What guidance are they offering regarding the Trump Administration threats to area immigrants?
3. Which area towns/cities are Sanctuary Cities?
4. What is a “Rapid Response” to ICE coming to our towns and cities?
5. How should we respond? By educating vulnerable people? By informing the schools? By organizing non-violent resistance?
How to Get Involved/When We Meet
Regular meeting time to be determined soon
For more information: