OUR PROJECTS for 2025: Envisioning the World we Want

Saturday, January 18, 2025, from 12:15 – 3 pm

Second Congregational Church, 18 Court Square, Greenfield

PART 1: Our Visions, with music and speakers, 12:15 – 1:15 pm

Song by Raging Grannies

Welcome by Susan Triolo

Keynote speaker Rev. Kate Stevens

Songs from Twice as Smart youth group

Speakers on Vision themes: Peace, Reproductive JusIce

Kaia Jackson, Juliette Margola

Song by Sarah Pirtle

Speakers on Vision themes: Environment, Civil Rights/Immigrant Rights

Bill Stubblefield, Marieange Laroche

Song by Ann Ferguson

PART 2: Info, discussion, refreshments with local groups in Community Room

Singalong Music with Annie Hassett

Thanks to speakers, musicians, and all participating groups

Event closes at 3pm, thanks to all for coming!

Program Speakers and Musicians

Susan Triolo, Our emcee, is a retired preschool/elementary teacher, long time peace & social jusIce activist and member of FCCPR & W. MA Code Pink Women for Peace.

Keynote Speaker Kate Stevens is a retired UCC minister and member of the Interfaith Council of Franklin County.

Juliet Margola is a member of the Amherst Young Feminist Party. With a degree in journalism and gender studies, she is now a teaching assistant at Four Rivers Charter Public School.

Kaia Jackson is a core organizer with Jewish Voice for Peace for Western MA , as well as a healing arts facilitator, storyteller and movement chaplain who calls Great Falls home.

Bill Stubblefield has a doctorate in evolutionary biology and ecology and works with a variety of groups to protect forests and wild lands.

Marieange LaRoche is on the staff of Jewish Family Services and organizing a group for Haitian immigrants.

Program Musicians

The Raging Grannies are concerned elder women who sing truth to power with saIrical lyrics: “we are gadflies, provocateurs. https://westernmass.raginggrannies.org

Twice as Smart Singers, directed by Gloria Matlock, are members of the Twice as Smart aXer school program teaching them to think big and dream boldly. twice.as.smart396@gmail.com

Sarah Pirtle, who writes and sings songs of peace and jusIce and works with Journey Camp (Traprock), will teach a song by Melanie DeMore.

Ann Ferguson is a local feminist, a peace and social jusIce musician, and a former teacher.

Annie Hassett is a well-known local feminist peace and social jusIce musician.

Organizing Committee of Sponsors: Ann Ferguson & Anne Louise Moore (Franklin County Continuing the Political Revolution, FCCPR), Susan Triolo (FCCPR & Code Pink), Sandra Boston (Interfaith Council), Anna Gyorgy & Suzanne Carlson (Traprock Center for Peace and Justice)

For contact information for all of the sponsors and co-sponsors, click here.