Note taker: John H. Cordes, MD
Some Task Force highlights since 2/22/2017 meeting:
- John Cordes submitted a resolution on campaign finance reform for May 8th Conway Town Meeting. He shared a Recorder article (9/21/2016) “Richie Neal Leads Delegation in Pharma Cash from 2006-2015.”
- Larry Knowlton: MA proposed legislation (“We the People Act”) has revised bill numbers: HD 1991 is now H.1926; and SD 476 is now S.379
- Ruth Parnall has contacted Rep. Steve Kulik’s office and Sen. Adam Hinds office to discuss their positions on campaign finance reform
- Susan Triolo attended Rep. Neal’s Town Hall meeting; ongoing research into campaign finance reform including a constitutional convention re Citizens United.
Points of Discussion:
- Ranked Choice Voting – pointing out the connections between reform at the ballot box and reducing the corrupting influence of money in electoral politics
- “We the People Act” legislation; pros/cons of requiring a constitutional convention re Citizens United in the current political climate
Decisions that were made:
- To continue our liaison with Represent.US
- To continue to learn about Ranked Choice Voting; follow the progress of Ranked Choice Voting legislation in MA.
- To form a Google group of Task Force members to facilitate information sharing
- Susan will summarize Task Force activity and present at upcoming General Assembly meeting on 3/26/2017
- To research campaign contributions to and committee assignments of our local, state and national legislators
- To monitor the progress of the “We the People Act” legislation.
Next Steps: Action Items and who is responsible
- John & Ruth will present Resolution at Conway Town Meeting
- Support Resolution at Montague Town Meeting (Lipke)
- Set up strategy meeting with Reed Schimmelfing of Represent.US to prepare for TM’s (Parnall)
- Susan will ask Atty John Bonifaz to attend a task force meeting to talk about the Citizens United ruling and efforts to repeal it
Next Meeting Time/Place:
Wed., April 19th 7:00-8:30PM; 43 Garage Rd Sunderland, MA
Task Force Contact People:
Susan Triolo ( and Ruth Parnall (